Grace Frankforter


From: SALLY xxxxxxxxx

Date: August 6, 2022 at 10:38:01 AM MDT

Subject: Training with Grace

Hello there,

I have been training with Grace for several years and I highly recommend her.  Workouts are tailored to each client’s needs and goals and Grace emphasizes safety at all times. Her routines are varied and she is very knowledgeable about good health in general. And she is fun. Hope you join her.  Sally Sxxxxxxx

Photo of Sally S









Hello Mxxxxx

     Grace has been my trainer for over three years.  The first two were with my now deceased husband, Sig, at the gym where we got to know Grace.  After Sig died, it was covid so Grace and I started virtual workouts.  My training time with Grace is very important to me.  Every Tuesday and Thursday morning she sends me a text telling me what we need for our half-hour work out.  I put my Ipad on the  kitchen counter and she calls me at 7:30 sharp and we work for 1/2 hour.  I am a runner, so she pays special attention to that and also to balance, which at my age, 79, is important.  The workouts are varied and once in a rare while, I don’t get the 3 repetitions done because it is getting uncomfortable. For instance, my right shoulder is prone to soreness.  In that case, she moves to the next exercise.

     The advantage in virtual workouts is that they can be done wherever you are, like for instance, when I am in Boulder, Colorado visiting my daughter and her family.  I highly recommend Grace as a personal trainer.  She is very knowledgeable and fun!  Which starts my Tuesdays and Thursdays out just right.

Best regards,
Bev Rxxx

Photo of Bev R






From: Janice Lxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, Aug 6, 2022 at 10:07 AM
Subject: Personal Trainer

Hello, my name is Janice Lxxxxxxxxxx and I work with Grace Frankforter through Granite gym. She has been my personal trainer since January 2022 when my physical therapist suggested I join a gym.  I reviewed the bios of the trainers at Granite, and settled on Grace because she was 'older,' NOT a buff muscle-bound person, and seemed compassionate.  This was the best decision I have made for self-care in years!  

So, when she asked if I'd be willing to write her a letter of recommendation, I jumped at the chance--she has been largely responsible for the growth I have made physically these past six months.  Seriously 'she' has.  I attribute my improved 'walkability' to her committed to me and my individual, personal physical needs.

I will not bore you with my health, yet important to note in the middle of my physical needs, I had a 'heart event' (what the doctors called it), was in the hospital three days and forced to stay home for a month, as I could not drive.  Grace adjusted her delivery method to virtual, helped me learn how to do that, and that's what I mean about her 'commitment' to me.  She adjusts everything I do 3x a week, and never really repeats a routine--just sees where I'm at and adjusts.  I've been all over the place these past two months especially--up, down, in between--and she makes our workout together work.  And 10 days ago I had a serious improvement that has positively influenced my entire lifestyle--Grace is responsible. I am improving.

Grace is not a "muscle-builder" trainer, she's a compassionate trainer who wants her clients to get better health-wise, and surprisingly my muscle strength is also improving.  I feel blessed to have found her, and highly recommend her if you want someone to LISTEN and design a workout program specifically for you.

Good luck,








I have been training with Grace for approximately 2 years. At 78 it's important that I take good care of my body. I've found Grace to be knowledgeable and cautious about my routines and she's expert at explaining the physical reasons for the different movements. She skillfully managed training during an episode of a shoulder injury. Linda Fxxxxxx

Photo of Linda F








Training with Grace is not "working out" it is "working up" to fewer wrinkles, more strength, less stiffness and more flexibility. She will push, but will not allow me to overdo. Sweat and smiles.
Cheri B.

Photo of Cheri B